model 156cm WASHABLE WOOL PANTS sizeF
model 156cm ”Motteke Droboo! Denim Pants sizeF
model 164cm ”Motteke Droboo! Denim Pants sizeF
model 157cm WASHABLE WOOL PANTS sizeF
model 157cm
model 167cm
製品染めをしているので、ネームも染まっています(笑) Since the garment is dyed after production, even the label has been dyed (laughs).
The front design is shaped like the letter ‘e,’ with the fabric patched together using the same material. To highlight the nuances of the patchwork and the product dyeing, the stitching is intentionally finished in White.
袖、襟、裾は高級コットン糸で編み立てした別素材が付いています。 The sleeves, collar, and hem are finished with a different material made from high-quality cotton yarn.
前の裾の部分。 The front hem section.
後ろの裾。 The back hem.
This plant-based dye is not a traditional dyeing method but a modern approach enhanced by a touch of scientific innovation. Its remarkable qualities include the fact that only natural dyes come into contact with the skin, and there are almost no residual dyes left in the water used after dyeing, making it environmentally friendly. The dyeing process is gentle and slow, reflecting the care and love put into it. Additionally, since it uses plant-based dyes, it has natural deodorizing effects, which means that garments won’t smell when taken out of storage after changing seasons.